Adventure Cabaret
Become the change.

Show Rundown

Below is the complete rundown for our first show, which runs at a very fast pace over the course of 90 minutes, and contains more than 70 different segments.


  1. Cosmos
  2. Consciousness
  3. Solar system
  4. Metaconsciousness
  5. Earth
  6. Ocean
  7. Metanoia
  8. Insects
  9. Metamorphosis
  10. Overture
  11. Metahuman
  12. Thought Police Hotline
  13. Krill Lives Matter
  14. LED Fan Dance


  1. Intro
  2. Seat belt sign / takeoff
  3. The Empire of the Mind
  4. Sticks > Stones > Bones
  5. Words
  6. Mistress of Ceremonies intro
  7. Adulterated / Unadulterated
  8. Away with words!
  9. We Are Here Together
  10. Simon Says Something Sinister / Let's Play Guitar!
  11. Dr. Finlay Clinkscales, Professor of Horrific Human Stupidity
  12. Language Is Not Reality
  13. Why a cabaret?
  14. The Talking Dog #1
  15. War of the Words
  16. Hindu Pushups
  17. Floss News Alert #1
  18. Unconstitutional!
  19. Portable Melanometer
  20. Do The Linky Pinky #1
  21. Bulgaria
  22. MC Introduces the First Message from Our Companions on the Planet
  23. Messages from the Insects
  24. What is your emergency?
  25. The Talking Dog #2
  26. I accidentally peed on my own grave
  27. Jewish Pushups
  28. Floss News Alert #2
  29. Who Is Responsible for Most of the Violence in the World?
  30. Do the Linky Pinky #2
  31. Identification, please. #1
  32. Christian Pushups
  33. The Talking Dog #3
  34. Floss News Alert #3
  35. Frozen Figures
  36. Do the Linky Pinky #3
  37. Messages from the Amphibians
  38. The Potato Chip & the Battery
  39. Don't Look Down On Manikins
  40. The Talking Dog #4
  41. The Modern Female Leonardo da Vinci
  42. Identification, please. #2
  43. Ideas of Heaven
  44. What is the most important issue in the world?
  45. No, that's not it.
  46. The Human Potential Movement
  47. Floss News Alert #4
  48. Muslim Pushups
  49. Do the Linky Pinky #4
  50. Deeply Committed Agnostic Pushups
  51. The Horrors of Homophily
  52. Floss News Alert #5
  53. Do the Linky Pinky #5
  54. Messages from the Animals
  55. Pantheist Pushups
  56. Do The Linky Pinky #6
  57. Not Committing Planetary Suicide
  58. Let's Play with the Planet
  59. We're All Dead, and So Is Everything Else
  60. Planet B
  61. Exorcism / Resurrection
  62. The Future is already here.
  63. Metahuman
  64. Finale


abstract brain